GFF Design

GFF is a distinguished award-winning multi-disciplinary design firm based in Dallas with a record of success that began with our founding in 1982. Today our staff of 117 offers architecture, interior design, and planning throughout the US. In recent years we have received national rankings that include: ARCHITECT 50 (#1 US firm for business), Engineering News-Record magazine’s Top 500 Design Firms, Top 100 Green Design Firms and Top Texas Design Firms, Best Places to Work by the Dallas Business Journal and GIANTS 300 Top Architectural Firms by Building Design and Construction magazine. Over the years, we have had successful engagements spanning a broad range of building types and diverse experience with corporate, real estate, and institutional clients. At GFF, “distinguished” means more than “on time and within budget,” as important as those requirements are. The highest value we bring to a client is derived from our creativity and dynamic thinking. As a design-focused, strong-idea firm, we savor the challenges of unique projects that demand leading-edge solutions and have resulted in more than 125 awards for design excellence. Yet we are business-oriented, well-grounded in strategic thinking and have a strong commitment to client objectives. Asked to articulate a design philosophy, we emphasize innovation, sustainability, lasting value – an architecture well-suited for clients and appropriate for its time and context.

On My Own Time company Gallery

On My Own Time is a corporate arts competition offering employees and their families a unique opportunity to showcase their visual and literary arts talents. Learn more about the program here.

  Visual Arts